Optimizing and simplifying logistics processes
Picking up goods, lab samples or cab customers at a push of a button

Client profile
Headquartered in Australia, the logistics company controls, maintains, transports and delivers over 300 million load carriers for its customers. With its high-quality pallets, it supports the manufacturing, handling and transport of freight in the context of efficiency and sustainability.
Transport and logistic
Efficient pallet collection in over 160 retail warehouses in a closed pallet system requires the fulfillment of the truck fill rate (661 pallets per truck) in order to be able to act cost-efficiently.
Customer should be motivated to arrange the pick-up only when the number is reached.
The IoT service button in retail warehouse sends pickup request to pallet logistician
Button display confirms to the requester that his pickup request has been sent successfully
Logistician collects pallets from the retail warehouse
Customer Benefit
Time and cost savings by using the button directly at the pickup location
The retail warehouse is motivated by time advantage to keep the truck fill rate and the pallet manufacturer saves costs
Pallet manufacturer optimizes route
Veterinarian Medicine
Veterinarians often have laboratory samples that are picked up by the company for analysis
The collection is ordered by e-mail or phone call, so that each order must be processed manually
With the IoT Service Button, the order to pick up laboratory samples is made at the push of a button.
Button display shows successful dispatch of the order
Order confirmation is sent automatically by e-mail
Customer Benefit
Cost optimization by eliminating manual order processing.
More transparency through statistical evaluations
Higher end customer loyalty through simplified handling in the veterinary practice

Client profile
The listed and globally active company stands for innovation in animal health with products and services in the field of diagnostics and software. The company ensures the safety of milk and water around the world and keeps farm animals, poultry and horses healthy and comfortable.

Client profile
The internationally active company is a service provider in the cab segment, from dispatch services to software solutions. The company is a consultant to the branch and arranges courier rides and security services around events.
Cab service provider
The request for a cab is usually made by telephone, often several times a day at doctors’ offices, hotels, hospitals, etc.
The requests have to be processed manually.
There is no performance measurement about this process
The IoT Service Button can be used to order a cab at the press of a button.
Different types of cabs can be ordered at the push of a button
Customer Benefit
Reduction of manual effort
Confirmation of the request by e-mail
Evaluation of process key performance indicators possible.
Statistics about usage frequencies can be created
Basic Principle